School Condition Allocation (SCA) funding is a financial allocation provided to schools in England for the improvement of their buildings. This funding aims to address the maintenance and repair needs of schools, ensuring they are safe, comfortable, and suitable for teaching and learning.
The SCA is an allocation for larger multi-academy trusts (MATs), local authorities and local-authority-maintained schools, and larger Voluntary Aided school bodies, including Diocese Boards of Education to enable these bodies to maintain and improve the buildings under their stewardship.
The Allocation is based on a formula primarily involving school type, pupil numbers, condition of the buildings and location.
What can SCA funding be spent on?
The DfE outline four main areas in relation to SCA funding:
- Poor building condition
- Building compliance
- Energy efficiency
- Health and safety issues
SCA funding can therefore be used to cover a wide range of maintenance and repair projects. The funding can be allocated to various areas, such as:
- Building Condition: The primary intended use of SCA is that it be used to carry out essential repairs and improvements to the fabric of the school buildings, such as structural repairs, renewal of roof coverings, replacement of windows, renewal of life expired mechanical plant and electrical installations, remodel and refurbishment of toilet provisions etc. These repairs are necessary to ensure the long-term safety and durability of the school buildings.
- Building Compliance: It is important that school building remain compliant with DfE guidance. SCA Funding can be used for improvements to fire safety provisions such as fire compartmentation, replacement of the fire alarm system, electrical safety improvements etc.
- Energy Efficiency: SCA funding can be used for upgrading heating systems, lighting installations or insulation to improve the school’s energy efficiency, reduce carbon output and ideally, reduce energy usage and bills.
- Safety and Safeguarding Measures: SCA funding can be allocated to upgrade safety and safeguarding measures within the school. This might include new fire alarm systems, as well as maintaining boundary fences and gates.
- Accessibility and Mobility Improvements: SCA funding can be used to improve accessibility within the school grounds. This could include installing ramps, lifts, and disabled access toilets, as well as upgrading flooring and signage. These improvements ensure that all students have equal access to facilities and resources.
- Outdoor Learning Spaces: SCA funding can be used to improve outdoor learning spaces, such as playgrounds and sports fields. This could include resurfacing play areas, installing playground equipment, and maintaining landscaping. These improvements create a positive and engaging learning environment outside the classroom.
Lea Hough work with responsible bodies such as large MATS or Diocese Boards of Education to assist them in ensuring that the limited pot of SCA funding that they receive each year is allocated where it is most needed. This is done through getting to know the schools, carrying our periodic condition surveys of schools and preparing costed development plans for each school outlining planned work typically over a 5-year period, that forms part of the Good Estate Management Strategy. We discuss projects with both the responsible bodies and directly with schools, subject to our role, to ensure relevant parties are kept fully informed with our expert advice.
Lea Hough have an established track record of over twenty years of helping responsible bodies such as MATS and Diocese Boards of Education manage their School Condition Allocation (SCA) across the Northwest region. To discuss how we might be able to help your school, or for wider School Building Consultancy services, please contact our team.