An announcement has been made by Salix, in partnership with the Department for Education (DfE), to officially open a new round of Salix Energy Efficiency Funding for 2020/21. Aimed at reducing energy usage and bills and creating a more comfortable learning environment, the funding allows for the installation of energy-efficient technologies, such as replacement of old lights with new LED lighting.
Available to individual academies, academy sixth forms, free schools, and Multi-Academy Trusts (MATs) in England, the funding is designed so there is no upfront cost and without interest. The projects are paid for and repaid to the DfE based upon the predicted energy savings.
The funding is now open, with the deadline for submissions being 11th January 2021. Successful applicants will be notified if the outcome in March 2021. Projects must be completed by December 2021.
Other criteria for the funding include:
- Only one application per school, which can consist of multiple projects. Multi-Academy Trusts can submit one application for each academy within the trust.
- Maximum loan value of £200,000 (applications can be part-funded if they exceed this value).
- Minimum loan value of £8,000.
- The loan value must not exceed an 8 year payback. Projects exceeding this payback can be part-funded.
- Projects must cost no more than £222 per tonne/CO2e.
Full guidance on the funding can be found here.
Please also view our previous blog on Salix funding applications.
The calculations for SEEF funding can quickly become complicated. Working with a consultant that has experience in submitting SEEF applications and working within the education sector can therefore place the school at an advantage.
For more information or to speak to a member of our team about the Salix Energy Efficiency Funding (SEEF) for 2020/21, please get in touch with us.